Core Digital Services
Your website matters: Its function, design, loading time — everything. And with more than 15 years of experience under our belt, the team here at DOM360 knows how to make your website bring in customers to shop your inventory. Our full-service agency is ready to help your dealership dominate your market — through merchandising, promoting fixed ops, competitive analysis, secret shops, SEO and more.

While our team of cultivated specialists can create a new website entirely from scratch, our clients rarely see results fast enough to justify the work. For most clients, our team takes a templated design and customizes it to serve specific functions, like highlighting the very best that our dealerships (and their brands) have to offer. Because of our long-held partnerships with major dealership web platforms, we can optimize dozens of platforms without the red tape. Even with a template, tailoring each page to serve our clients’ needs is still quite a bit of upfront work, but that work has proven to generate more leads and conversions. Plus, who doesn’t want a unique, functional website that converts browsers into buyers with just a few clicks?

DOM360 takes great pride in launching programs dealers want and need. It all starts with our approach. Our regional offices act as incubators for new ideas and solutions that help dealers innovate and stay ahead of the curve. With this local, high-touch approach, we can conceive, prove and provide the OEM with solutions that solve the needs of their varied dealers. The OEM is then able to vet these solutions to determine the optimal strategy for its entire dealer body.

What’s the formula for a successful email campaign? The team of writers, designers and strategists at DOM360. We adhere to best practices within the industry as we customize creative, tailor tactics and intentionally design each email to load quickly and professionally so your message stays the same, regardless of the device your future customer is using. Email marketing has long been a cost-effective tool for expanding your customer base with strategic conquest campaigns. It is also effective for retaining current customers and increasing sales and service tickets within your database.

Once a project is completed — an eBlast is sent, a website goes live, a keyword page is posted — it’s just the beginning. Our team retrieves, then analyzes, the results from our campaigns to ensure that our clients’ dollars are used efficiently. This could look like replacing keywords to better match voice-based search guidelines or comparing open rates of eBlasts to identify catchier subject lines. Plus, while our team is busy analyzing data, our clients can access Contology, our branded cloud-based marketing engine that provides real-time visibility into their Dealer Management System (DMS), ad campaigns, website traffic, social content calendars, reputation and more.

We talk a good bit about our creative around here. It’s because DOM360 isn’t your average advertising agency, just like you’re not just an average dealership. We approach every client’s goal — whether that’s emptying their pre-owned vehicle lot or generating more interest in OEM parts — with unique, customized creative that makes their message pop. One of DOM360’s core values is Creative Innovation, so from the account executive running your account to the copywriter crafting content for your biweekly eBlast, we’re all working together to solve our clients’ business needs. Without our one-of-a-kind creative, there would be no DOM360.

Consumers pump $300 billion into the auto repair industry every year, but 75 percent of that business is handled by independent repair shops. There’s room for growth, especially since parts and service departments’ annual income accounts for roughly half of a typical dealership’s annual gross revenue. When you partner with DOM360, we’ll show you where to leverage your parts and service program to capitalize on those growth opportunities. Let’s turn a first-time car buyer into a happy, lifelong customer, one who generates revenue for your business with every necessary oil change and tire replacement.